Thursday 29 October 2009

This free office software is subject to strict US export control laws...

Due to some minor issues with, I thought I would try the one other free office suite - Lotus Symphony from IBM. Unfortunately IBM isn't sure whether they can trust such clever software to a foreigner like me! When I went to download, I got this message.
I'll keep you posted. I'm sure it's easier than getting a VISA...

IBM Lotus Symphony
This product is subject to strict US export control laws. Prior to providing access, we must validate whether you are eligible to receive it under an available US export authorization.Your request is being reviewed.Upon completion of this review, you will be contacted if we are able to give access. We apologize for any inconvenience.
message code: 53e

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Anti-malware meets A Level Statistics

Who would have thought anti-malware authors would use the Binomial distribution to figure out efficient ways to control their evil computer worm?

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Hackers 'aid' Amazon logging scam

I think I work with computers too much, as I assumed this news article was about an online scam involving customers and logging their activities!

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Cool computer demo...

Thought this was worth a look at: Minority Report Style OS -

Whoops, haven't posted to this blog in a month... well, more important things to do!

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Handy Citrix tips: Number 1 - free replacement for Citrix EasyCall

Citrix has been marketing some quick call feature available on their 'Platinum Edition', called Citrix EasyCall.

Now obviously not many customers are going to fork out for Platinum licenses just for one convenient feature. So, assuming you already have a soft phone of some description, what do you do?

Easy, use an AutoHotKey script to achieve the same thing. Simulate copying the selected phone number to clipboard, opening up the softphone application, bringing up the 'call number' facility and paste it in! Nearly every application supports copying a number to clipboard using Ctrl+C (Outlook, Internet Explorer, workflow systems, etc) - and this is really the only function you need.

Without further ado, here's my example: -

^!p:: ; Ctrl+Alt+P

ClipSaved := ClipboardAll ; Save the entire clipboard

Send ^c ; Copy current selected text - hopefully a valid telephone number

IfWinExist, Phone Manager Pro


WinShow , Phone Manager Pro , ; Display phone manager if hidden

WinActivate , Phone Manager Pro , ; Activate

WinWaitActive, Phone Manager Pro ,

Sleep, 300

Send, {F1} ; F1 brings up the Call box

WinWaitActive, Call ,

Sleep, 200

Send, ^v{Enter} ; Paste and call

Sleep, 500 ; Give it a chance to execute before restoring clipboard


else IfWinExist, Phone Manager Lite


WinShow , Phone Manager Lite , ; Display phone manager if hidden

WinActivate , Phone Manager Lite , ; Activate

WinWaitActive, Phone Manager Lite ,

Sleep, 300

Send, {F1} ; F1 brings up the Call box

WinWaitActive, Call ,

Sleep, 200

Send, ^v{Enter} ; Paste and call

Sleep, 500 ; Give it a chance to execute before restoring clipboard




MsgBox Error - you must be running Phone Manager for this to work!


Clipboard := ClipSaved ; Restore the original clipboard.

ClipSaved = ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large.

Sleep, 100


Obviously this will require substantial editing with the aid of the HotKey recorder and Window Spy for different softphones.

By the way, anyone know an efficient way to paste code into Blogger - this was time consuming!


Tuesday 2 September 2008

Cloud Computing...

Now everyone (well, at least Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Yahoo and IBM) is working on the next generation of 'cloud computing', it's amusing to see some of the first attempts - Netscape Constellation and MS Active Desktop ".
"Whoever prevails will probably determine the face of computing for the next
decade. "
this article gushes.

"Microsoft's Active Platform -- manifested on a PC as Active Desktop --
leverages the market dominance of Windows by blending the user interfaces of
Windows and the Web. "

If there's anything to be learnt from this, it is to disbelieve marketing hype and look for future development somewhere other than 'game changing' pet projects from big companies.

Friday 14 March 2008